With the initiation of
“Unlockdown” for opening of business in India, to navigate the challenges
brought on by the rapid spread of
COVID-19 (coronavirus) is now more complicated than ever as the companies are
been forced to confront the way of doing business with the continuous spread of
COVID-19 and to be more vigilante and preparation is requisite by the companies
to address the business risks as they arise.
COVID-19 has caused
serious disruptions for every businesses, where some have had direct commercial
impacts along with interruptions to supply chains, challenges in meeting
contractual obligations, payment of commercial leases, whereas there are some
universal impacts on each and every business- workplace health and safety
obligations, travel restrictions, increased burden of data protection with the
implement of work from home policy.
As business risks, legal,
regulatory and other commercial implications due to COVID-19 will continue and
evolve in coming days with further disruption, we have summarized following
business & legal risks & key considerations:
1. Employment & Workplace
Safety: -
The employers are required
to maintain a safe working place for its employees, which includes taking steps
to reduce the risks associated with the COVID-19 outbreak but not limited to
the followings:
a. The Central and State
Government have issued various notifications w.r.t. COVID-19 and workplace
safety, hygiene and training materials. Has your organization carried out such
awareness training to your employees?
b. Most of the companies have
adopted work from home policy. Has your organization assessed the nature and
requirement of your employees to work from office/home depending upon the
organization’s requirement and the said employee’s role in the organization?
c. Does your organization
have analyzed & assessed the impact w.r.t. compliance and accountability
with a greater number of employees working from home?
d. Does your organization
have a data protection policy in place and taken necessary steps to protect client’s
data as most of the employees to work from home would access the client’s confidential data through their private
broadband connection?
e. Have you made sufficient
arrangement for quarantine facilities for your employees working from office
premises/ manufacturing facilities and preventive measures to prevent the
spread of COVID-19?
Do the health plans offered to the employees cover COVID-19
testing or treatment? If yes, under what cost sharing arrangement?
g. Restriction on business
travels for some time may be somehow feasible but cannot continue for a long
duration and when employees visit on need basis for official work, do the
company have implemented any self-quarantine facility for such employees and
COVID-19 test as safeguard measures?
h. Does your organization has
created a mechanism of self-declaration and reporting by any employees who has
traveled (business/personal) for any reasons and health monitoring for such
i. If any of the employee
fails to attend the office work due to pandemic, is there any policy in your
organization to consider such absence of work- paid holiday or leave without
j. Due to loss of business,
most of the organizations throughout the world has failed to meet the salary
expenses for last few months. Does the management have discussed the deduction
in salaries with employees and taken them in confidence for future payments?
Has the organization shared its framework policy w.r.t. employees’ salaries?
2. Supply Chain: -
As the global economy has
been impacted due to continuous spread of COVID-19, the organizations are
facing disruptions in supply chain due to various factors such as lack of
staff, suppliers/vendors; transportation is disrupted; regulatory restrictions
on cross border controls with additional inspection; lack of cash
flow/financial crunch etc. The organizations need to assess their supply chain
function and need to address issues which includes but not limited to the
a. Have your organization
analyzed your rights and obligations due to any disruption in supply chain?
b. On the event, where the
“Time is Essence” for supply of materials/finished goods, has your organization
assess the availability of an alternative vendor/cancellation of contract and
its impact on it’s supply chain?
c. Have you reviewed the
government restrictions imposed due to COVID-19 and its impact on your supply
d. What are your rights and
obligations in case of your failure to deliver/receipt of goods/services?
e. What are the challenges
for induction of new supplier/vendor due diligence from supply chain compliance
f. What are the additional
liabilities which your organization may be exposed due to any failure/default
in the supply chain?
3. Contracts: -
The organizations need to
review each and every one of its contracts as the outbreak of COVID-19 is
likely to have a profound impact on all the commercial contracts.
The disruptions in the
economic and business sector may cause either the organizations or their
counter party or any of vendors to default or fail to perform under an existing
commercial contract. Therefore, the parties to existing contracts that are or
may be disrupted by the outbreak of COVID-19 should promptly assess their legal
rights and obligations along with damages that could happen because of any
breach of contract/s, for their existing contracts or currently negotiating
which includes but not limited to the followings:
a. Have you analyzed your
rights and obligations under ongoing contracts and under what circumstances, it
can be frustrated or events which can lead to force majeure?
b. Does the COVID-19 is an
event of force majeure and you or your counter party can excuse itself for
performance of commercial contracts?
c. When should a force
majeure notice be issued and what steps should be taken in response to a force
majeure notice received from the counter party?
d. What will be the impact of
any trade restriction & regulatory changes as announced by the
Central/State government authorities in recent times?
e. Who is responsible for
loss due to disruption cause of COVID-19 and what’s the most efficient way to
resolve the disagreement with the other party?
f. Have you assessed the
risks, damages and impact on your organization on failure to deliver
g. Have your organization
devised an alternative means of performance under the contract?
h. Do the payment terms in
your contracts needs a revision and if yes, what’s the best way to revise the
payment terms?
i. What steps your
organization should take if it’s been threatened with litigation over breach of
4. Financing & Credit
Management: -
The COVID-19 has severely
impacted the cash flow and finance of most of the organizations throughout the
world and as a result, many of the organizations may default in their existing
loan/debt financing obligations.
You need to assess your
finance situation and cost control mechanism which shall include but not
limited to the followings:
a. Whether your loan
agreements covenants need to be review and may result into triggering of
b. Have your organization
review and reassess the material adverse change on your payment terms with
third parties?
c. Do your organization need
to seek waivers or extension of time to comply with your commitments and
d. Have your organization
assessed whether is there any need to review and revise the warranties and
e. Have you reviewed the
corporate guarantees given on behalf of related party and ensure that you may
not become an easy target for early recovery in case of default by the related
f. Do your organization need
to renegotiate the terms of loan/finance/credit facility arrangement and to
ensure the liability pass on your counter party for delayed payment?
g. Have your organization
analyzed the payment terms from the counter parties and on event of default, to
recover with minimum hassle and legal routes for the earliest recovery?
In conclusion, we can
expect disruption in business to continue and it will take some time to reach
normalcy in the business and it’s advisable to consider seeking proper legal
advice which includes but not limited to the following:
To get your contracts reviewed and take prior legal advice on any
new contracts or addendums to be executed and understand the impact of COVID-19
on your existing contracts, restrictions imposed due to government
notifications or to protect yourself from any claim or untimely termination of
the contract by the other party;
The obligations towards your employees and any action including
termination/lay off/ reduction in salary due to current pandemic/ loss of
To review your contractual/commercial obligations and mitigate
your risks associated with any failure to achieve the agreed business target;
To ensure your payment terms should not be impacted by COVID-19
and recover the due payment hassle free with minimum delay;
To execute an effective business plan in coherence with the new
norms of business operations as instructed by the government; and
To review the application of force majeure events and performance
of specific contracts and reliefs which can be claimed/availed under the
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