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Showing posts from January, 2019

PSARA License: To Start a Private Security Agency Business in India

Private Security Agency business is one of the most sought and rapid growing business in India with huge demand and potential. Due to ever evolving demand for private security by industry & business segments, the Private Security Agency business is growing for more than 20% and there is still huge untapped market still wide open for the future ventures. Today in any and every aspect, private security has an important role to play, whether its transfer of cash to ATM, transportation of valuables or protection to key members of business conglomerates. Any Private Security Agency cannot commence its business and operations in India without procurement of license under Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Act, 2005 also known as PSARA License . PSARA License is obtained state wise & is valid for 5 years and had to be renewed after every 5 years. The government fees for PSARA License is as following: 1.        For one (1) District- Rs. 5,000/- 2.        For more th

Key Legal Developments of 2018 in India

This article is a summary of the key legal developments in the last 12 months, covers some of the major legal changes brought in 2018. The changes are vast & therefore, we focus on some of the key changes, which broadly impact the corporates for their “ Way of Doing Business ” in India which dominated the headlines and we can expect 2019 to continue in the same way . It’s important for any business owner to be aware of the changes affecting their business & put in place suitable safeguards. Failing to be prepared is often costly in terms of money, resource & time. Sector Update Investment in India 1.     Single Master Form: On June 7, 2018, the Reserve Bank of India (the " RBI ") issued a circular RBI/2017-18/194 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 30 (the " Circular "), introducing a single master form (the " SMF ") to integrate the existing reporting norms for various types of foreign invest